Wednesday, November 2, 2011

LiFe LeSSons fRoM a coWBoy to HiS dauGHter

Life Lessons from a Cowboy to his Daughter

cowboy horse lessons to daughter

My dad is a cowboy
His rules are my roots.
He taught me his ways-
 I followed his boots.
To a gun-fight don’t bring
A knife, he once said.
Always follow your heart
But don’t lose your head.
I knew I could jump
Whenever I felt froggy
But I was never to let
My pack become soggy.
He saw through my games-
Even at my worst.
Because my rodeo
Was never his first.
Finally-I should rein
With a strong, sure hand
Because as long as I live
I’ll ride for his brand.

Poem of the Week for 10/19 

Cowboys and Indian Magazine

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