Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

(Scroll to bottom for all FigHteR resources including information about Junk Gypsy's Fighter Tees, GRACE - cancer educational website, & where to buy Beating Cancer With Nutrition)

Portrait of a FigHteR
My father was an exceptional steward of the land and steward of his family. He worked as a cattleman every day throughout his almost 6 year battle with Advanced stage (non-smoker) Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. We were fortunate enough that he had a very successful few years of treatment through a drug called, Tarceva. Genentech, the makers of Tarceva, heard his story and flew him & my mother down to San Francisco for a video interview, professional photo shoot, and a few days of luxury stay in downtown San Francisco. I was fortunate enough to meet them down there and we all were able to visit the home of his brother & sister-in-law for the first time ever. It was a special trip for many reasons and one of which was that his brother is a Pediatric Oncologist at Oakland's Children Hospital and was an incredible resource during his cancer battle. We were left with amazing pictures and this wonderful video of my father, only God could orchestrate such perfected details of remembrance as my father passed away 9 months after this experience.

He spent a short time under the care of Dr. Howard (Jack) West at Swedish Hospital in Seattle while participating in a trial. Although my dad did not have the time to forge the relationship w/ the Dr. West that he had with his team at NorthStar in Yakima, he greatly enjoyed and respected Dr. West. There are a few touching moments that occurred and what we appreciated is that you would never know he is a doctor of his caliber by the down to earth manner in which he approached his patients. Please find the link below to his cancer patient/caregiver educational website, Cancer Grace. This non-profit foundation is something I am thankful to know about and pass along to folks. I can not say enough wonderful things about the educational value of this site...I will just let it speak for itself! GRACE

JuNk gYpSy...the name alone just makes ya faLL headfirst! JG produced their first ever batch of FigHteR tees this spring! 100% of the profits benefit the Lance Armstrong Foundation, a cancer charity! Even better: Tee #1 features the names of John Feusner AnD Larry James Lampkins (father of Lacy Lampkins, our very own WCA office right hand GaL!) It would be awesome to see these shirts all 'bout town! If you don't fancy any particular names then just place your order & call er a day. However, if you would like Fighter Tee #1 just place your order online here & then shoot the Junk Gypsy gals an email w/ your order# & kindly ask for Fighter Tee #1! (Email address: 

BEATING Cancer WiTh NuTRiTioN 
Just click below & you'll be whisked off to Amazon to place your order...IF ordering online isn't your deal then EMAIL ME & I'll hook you up with other ways to grab the read!

IF someone you know as well as the back of your hand or barely just met is fightin' a fight of any kind Here's the #1 thing to do: Do Not Avoid them! Yep that's it! Kick that pesky elephant to the curb & just send a lil acknowledgement their way as to the predicament they are in. Worse case scenario, they tell you to mind your own business. Best case scenario. They will NEVER forget you stuck your neck out to show them you are just aware. Awareness folks...that's the best start to our day. Be aware of those around us...EVERYONE is going thru something so man up & don't be afraid to CARE:)

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