Sunday, February 28, 2010

HSUS Exposed...Racketeering Lawsuit has been filed!

Check out this GrEaT article on some folks who are getting to work on ending the corruption and deceit of Humane Society of United States (HSUS). It is extremely important to treat all species humanely, animals and humans alike, however it is not okay to use animals as a publicity stunt for an organization's filthy GREED. In light of 2 devastating earthquakes within the last 2 months please be very careful of any organizations you are donating money to claiming to rescue abandoned and injured pets. HSUS is very well known for using a natural disaster to aid their lobbying efforts instead of actual rescuing animals like they claim. Read more below on the Racketeering Lawsuit that has been filed against them!
Racketeering Lawsuit Fingers Humane Society Of The United States 

In a landmark RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) lawsuit certain to have far-reaching implications for the animal rights movement, Feld Entertainment and the Ringling Brothers circus sued the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), its lawyers, and several other animal rights groups last week.

The nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) unearthed the lawsuit in federal court records today. CCF is making the lawsuit available online at its newest website,

“America’s farmers, ranchers, hunters, fishermen, research scientists, fashion designers, and restaurateurs have seen for decades how the animal rights movement can behave like a mobbed-up racket,” said CCF Director of Research David Martosko. “But it’s still shocking to see the evidence laid out on paper. In a treble-damage lawsuit like this, a jury could actually do the humane thing and finally put HSUS out of business completely.”

In its February 16 lawsuit, Feld leveled bribery, fraud, obstruction of justice, and money laundering charges against HSUS and two of its corporate attorneys; three other animal rights groups; the Washington, DC law firm of Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal; and all three of that firm’s named partners.

On December 30, 2009, Federal Judge Emmitt Sullivan ruled that these defendants collaborated to pay more than $190,000 to Mr. Tom Rider, a former Feld employee who was an elephant “barn helper” for two years in the late 1990s, in exchange for his impeached testimony against Feld in an earlier lawsuit—testimony Judge Sullivan declared “not credible” and disregarded in its entirety. That lawsuit was dismissed.

Feld is also suing Mr. Rider, and a nonprofit “Wildlife Advocacy Project” charity, claiming that Meyer Glitzenstein & Crystal used it to funnel money from their plaintiff clients to Mr. Rider. These clients included the Fund for Animals, which merged with HSUS in 2004.

“The new HumaneWatch website is the only place the public will be able to read this lawsuit,” Martosko added. “We’re publishing a treasure trove of information about the Humane Society of the United States, including lots of surprising documents that HSUS would rather remain hidden from its contributors.”

Last week CCF launched, an online watchdog project dedicated to analyzing HSUS’s activities and keeping the group honest. It includes a blog, an interactive document library, and a growing body of information about HSUS-related organizations and staff.

(Article from, photo from

Monday, February 15, 2010

~The Animals Come First~

Through all weather conditions, no one works harder to keep their animals healthy, happy, and well-fed than our cattle ranchers. KXLY has a great news story on feeding cattle, delivering calves, and keeping them healthy through heavy snow storms and many other conditions! 

Friday, February 12, 2010

Man's Best Friend

I thought today's post would put a smile on most y'all's faces! Perfect picture to take us into this holiday weekend and discuss a lil love for animals A gal I work with obliges me with photos of her adorable, quirky dog TuCkEr! She got him from the pound 2.5 years ago. I've heard rescue pets can have quite the personality and I'd say Tucker fits the bill. Chasing animals on tv, floating the river, and other tasks are among his favorite pasttimes.

Anyone who's been in the ranching world understands sentiment towards that one animal we all have had that just has a personality for days. Those are the animals that hold a soft-spot in your heart for years or practically have a place in the family. :) That older horse that has a way of buttering you up even as it unties itself or opens the gate, the cow dog who doubles as a sleepy house dog, or the old mama cow or sheep that has practically babysat your kids some days! :) Fluffy, was our ewe that held that role in our family. When Fluffy was in her elder years she just roamed around with no worries of needing to be fenced in. She gave my brother twins or triplets almost every year but her value was more than her high mothering ability. My strong and tough rancher dad was who nurtured her through every delivery and nurtured her through her older years.
(My dad, below, knew a good partner from early on.)

Animal Welfare activists make most ranchers I know just scratch their heads. Those tough, mustached, weathered cowboys will be the first to tear up if they lose a favorite animal or even come across that just delivered calf. Of course, you'd never get them to admit and I'm sure you'll hear, "Dang hay blew in my eye again." You don't spend 365 days a year taking care of your pride and joy cow herd for career status thats for sure. Ranchers spend night day in 100 degree to sub zero temperatures because they are some of the only people in this world that have a love for cows and horses that is truly unmatched. The difference is in their RESPECT for their animals. A horse and a dog are truly both a ranchers best friend and business partner. They will spend more time with their cattle, horses, and dogs than they will with their wife and children guaranteed....thats why you better value "quality time" as what you have during a nice bumpy pickup ride or accept "loving chats" as the hollering back and forth between feed wagon and tractor. Otherwise your husband will be out there discussing his life problems with that ole mama cow chewing her cud.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

*Eco Cowboys*

Support this program! It will be a nationally and internationally distributed television series on the true ecologists of the world-our RaNcHeRs! :) Each segment will feature a different theme, Patrick Dorenson, Baxter Black, and many ranchers will be brought to televisions everywhere. for more info!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

PNW Young Cattlemen's Conference 2010

Not all the attendees, but all the college age folks!
Getting ready for Day 2 at the Cattlemen's Workshop in LaGrande, OR
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