Thursday, November 18, 2010

diZZying DichOtOmY

...'nough said

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Legislative PaGe...all the cOOl kids are TrYinG it

Warnick encourages teens to apply for page program in Olympia 

Each year, students from around the state travel to Olympia to serve in the legislative page program for one week. During that week, students learn about the legislative process and assist with delivering documents on the House floor.
Rep. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, wants to sponsor teens who are interested in this unique opportunity.

"The page program has a long history of connecting students with their government. Several of our current legislators were once pages," Warnick said. "I hope students from the Thirteenth District will take this opportunity to see our state's capitol up close."

At the end of their week in Olympia, pages write their own mock legislation and testify in favor of the bill in front of their peers.

Students aged 14-16 who wish to serve in the page program must be sponsored by a member of the Legislature, and obtain permission from their parents and school. Applications can be downloaded from the House Page Web site and completed applications mailed to Warnick's district office at 326 South Cedar Street, Moses Lake, WA 98837.

The 2011 Legislature convenes Monday, January 10 and is scheduled to end Sunday, April 24.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Coal Miner's Daughter

Tough to find a better song that so perfectly highlights one's hardships without ever disrespecting the players involved....Enjoy~

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

WCA aNNuaL ConvENtiOn WeeK

Can't beat my view at work
...It is already that time of year..the WA Cattlemen's Association Annual Convention technically begins...TomoRRoW! That means that it is already Mid-November(ish), which means its already winter...oh wait did I mention yet that it snowed...ALL..DAY...hmmm where was I again? Oh yes, Convention, November, Winter, all of this means that another year has FLOWN right on by! I'm not sure if I was gracefully flying through the year or more like an already disheveled mess that was forcibly plucked up by a crazed dustdevil, then bounced around through the year and dropped hard on my rump looking like a cross between a resident of the Harlem Projects & Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus! (umm yes, definitely the latter was how I traveled thru the yr!) Luckily, convention will not leave me in the dust...or at least not too much! I will be working throughout the remainder of the week but I am lucky enough to work in the same county as this year's convention location ! Tomorrow night I actually get to attend my 4th (??) WCA board meeting since it will be in the evening! I am excited to see all the great fellow board members as the last time I saw them I was saying goodbye enroute to TX. Although my detour is bittersweet for me, any free help that sticks around WA I'm pretty sure is just sweet by the WCA's standards. ;)

Friday night our banquet has a pretty snaZZy spECiaL guest: BaXteR bLaCk will be our entertainment following the Prime Rib banquet dinner! Tickets still available, contact information posted below! Thursday night is our social and Endowment Trust Fund auction so come on out both nights before Winter buries you inside and bans all socialization:) Thursday is Veteran's Day so those of you who get the day off from work have a great chance to head up to Suncadia Resort (maybe even sneak off for a relaxing is a resort after all!) Don't forget to come back Saturday for the Pfizer Cattlemen's College! I am excited to pop into that since I will be working during Thursday and Friday's daytime events.

Call WCA for tickets: 509-925-9871

Friday, November 5, 2010

where do YoU gO?

 If you're pouring, I'm drinking
You got me thinking,
Pretty girl what's on your mind
something's got you down for you to be wearing such a frown
Your too young for your old lady eyes
you need a break from everyday
I want to call you up and say

Where do you go when you get lonely
Where do you go when you get scared
Where do you go when you get lonely
Let me know and I'll meet you there

I've been screaming at the top of my lungs
No one seems to hear a word I've been saying
and I've been talking to Heaven
It sounds more like begging
I need a break from everyday
I want to call you up and say

Where do you go when you get lonely
Where do you go when you get scared
Where do you go when you get lonely
Let me know and I'll meet you there

There's an airplane flying over me 
Wonder where its going, wonder if I know anybody there
But if there's nothing there for me
There ain't much for me here either
I hate flying to get me in the air
Because I'm tired of toiling over chords
and I'm sick of trying to talk in rhymes

Where do you go when you get lonely
Where do you go when you get scared
Where do you go when you get lonely
Let me know and I'll meet you there

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pride.....more puny than powerful

Humility gives insight

Humility brings peace

Humility builds closeness

Humility admits mistakes

Humility encourages others

Tripped over this last week via a FL Radio Blog so I thought it was bout time for me to get around to sharing. The author wrote that the Bible mentions PRIDE 62 times. (I'm going to take their word on it....for now....although I do like to do my own fact checkin'...someday;>) I do have a hunch that few of those mentions would be positive. Humble....humble.....humble....maybe if we turned it into a catchy kids song it would be easier to remember. It does rhyme with quite a few words: humble, bumble, tumble, heck throw a thimble in for good measure......just sayin'!

       ~Enjoy this Tuesday Train O' Thoughts Derailment  segment....Tomorrow brings a tour at the Port of Seattle AND a vessel!!!!!!! Not sure if my puncation usage properly relays my exCITeMeNt!!! Only thing that would make it better would be if 20 or so containers of Hawaiian Cattle were being loaded onto chassis while we were there! ....another tour for another season;)
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