If the future looks like either of these pictures then I say our future is pretty bright! Could you

imagine if this country was run by the cattlmen pictured here? This picture speaks for itself. It shows the respect and awe of a nation that was built on morals, principle, and common sense law. There is hope for our future. There are people who steal believe in the fundamental laws of the constitution, who have a set of values and a hard work ethic that was instilled in them by their parents.
The future young cattleman in this picture is already starting along the right path. He was just drawn to all of the men on our YCC trip. He couldn't have picked two better men than featured in this picture

with him to follow around that evening in Kansas. They are good men with strong manners and a strong desire for doing the right thing and seeking out leadership opportunities.
When life is getting you down, take the time to look around you and see all the prosperity that life holds. Chances are you will be able to find that hope and prosperity in the people around you! These pictures are examples of the hope we can have in the future!