Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thursday June 4, 2009-Young Cattlemen's Conference

Our entire group looks like we've been drug behind a semi today! How does anyone sit through 3.5 hrs briefings its tough! Anytime someone nods off, has a head-bob, or falls asleep on the trip they have to pay $5 to the PAC so today when we get on the bus we are all going to automatically give our funds to our funds keeper!:)

Oh Whitestone Farm in Virginia hired an AWESOME band for us. They are "the" elite Angus breeder with a beautiful place with more green pasture than I've ever seen before! Wonderful inviting people who made us feel like family! All 54 people didn't get back till 1am last night but of course I'm a firm believer of taking every opportunity on this trip so I went out for some further socialization after that!

Meeting with the Canadian Embassy around noon
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