Please review the newly posted pictures. On this trip I visited Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Illinois, and Washington DC. I had never been to any of those states except for Colorado. I saw a lot of great country, learned that just because a place like Virginia is greener than any land I’ve seen it doesn’t mean it makes the best cattle country. I learned that in no way do the folks in Washington DC know the meaning of customer service or being friendly. However, the folks in Kansas will take you in and treat you like a member of their family, so much so that it will bring tears to your eyes. The one thing I learned the most though was walking around late at night through Washington DC in silence. Man, woman, or child would be hard pressed not to see the WWII memorial, or at the Vietnam Wall which is littered with letters and pictures from family and children and see what matters in this world. This country has been fought and died for thousands and thousands of lives over. Those men buried in Arlington Cemetery or the lives lost at the Battle of Bull Run, will we allow what they did for us to be tossed to the wayside? It is up to us to preserve what so many have fought for. Would you have what it takes to line up face to face on a hill in Virginia and fight for your way of life? The day is approaching us once again, will we have the strength and courage that those before us did?