Today I woke up in a less than wonderful mood at 6AM when I realized that all the plans I had for the day would be changed when I suddenly remembered I had signed up for a time management workshop and would have to spend the whole day out of the office! This really put a bug in my "you know where" because I simply did not have TIME to attend the time management workshop. On second thought, maybe I better make sure I was there!
Time management just might be an issue for me. I finished my taxes at 11:50 pm April 14th this year, I turn my ketch pen articles in with just hours or even minutes to spare, and I know I could scrounge up many more examples. However, I like to think my time management issues can be blamed on two things: the government and environmentalists/activists. In fact, maybe I will just send the government a bill for all the time I am spending trying to undo all the propaganda they have been throwing our way.
Spend your time wisely these days. There are a LOT of issues in agriculture that need our attention. When someone sends you an email or tells you about an issue that needs your concern voiced, spend the extra 15 minutes drafting a letter or email and let people know you are out there and paying attention to what is happening. Every minute of our days count and if we don't spend a few minutes educating others on our trade now, we may not get a second opportunity. This week alone Bank of America has been listening to cattlemen's concerns over their new HSUS card program and I am thinking positively that senators across the country are starting to rethink how they will vote on the clean water act. Get involved because trust me, no-one in this country is fighting our battles for us.
Let us manage our time well!