Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Too MUCH Water???

See below for the USDA Risk Management Agency Press Release regarding the cold & extremely wet weather conditions seen across the Northwest all Winter..I mean "Spring" ;) I think its best not to complain about too MUCH precipitation on the Eastern side of the state...however...between the FREEZING spring we've had & now the crazy rain & floods that ensued...this is gettin' to be a head scratcher. We aren't in a drought & we aren't on fire...always gotta find that silver linin'?! :)
Contact: Jo Lynne Seufer, (509) 228-6320

Options for Farmers with Delayed Planting from Wet Conditions

SPOKANE, WASHINGTON, May 24, 2011 ---Cool and extremely wet weather in the inland Northwest has caused crop damage and slowed planting this spring. Dave Paul, Director of USDA's Risk Management Agency (RMA) Spokane Regional Office, encourages producers faced with questions on prevented planting, replant or crop losses this spring, to contact their agent for more information.

Producers who are unable to plant an insured crop by the final planting date due to an insurable cause, such as excess moisture and flooding have a number of options.

· Producers may plant the insured crop during the 25 day late planting period with a reduction in the production guarantee of 1 percent a day for each day planting is delayed after the final planting date.

· Producers may leave the acreage idle and receive a full prevented planting payment or the producer may be able to plant the acreage to another crop after the late planting period and receive a reduced prevented planting payment.

· Producers with double cropping history can receive a full prevented planting payment within the guidelines of the policy.

· Prevented planting coverage will not be provided for any acreage that does not constitute at least 20 acres or 20 percent of the insurable crop acreage in the unit. Producers need to keep in mind that group policies do not provide prevented planting coverage.

"Producers who are unable to plant due to excess moisture need to contact their insurance company to discuss prevented planting policy requirements related to their specific coverage and farming operation." said Paul. "The producer's insurance company will make the final determination of acres eligible for prevented planting payments."

Paul encourages producers to contact their crop insurance agent for assistance. Producers can also get crop insurance information on the web at:

Local crop insurance agents are available to provide program details that reflect the grower's nursery inventory. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers throughout the U.S. or at the web site:


USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW., Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (80) 795-3271 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).

Jo Lynne, Spokane RMA

Jo Lynne Seufer, Risk Management Specialist
USDA/Risk Management Agency
Spokane Regional Office
(Serving Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington)
11707 East Sprague Ave, #201
Spokane, WA 99206
800-205-9953 (in AK, ID, OR, WA) Toll Free
(509)998-6902 Gov't Cell
(509)228-6321 Fax
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