Livin’ the Dream
Imagine someone asking you, “What are you up to these days?” and you respond, “Oh, just livin’ the dream.” Does that scenario have a familiar ring to it? I recently mentioned to someone that perhaps they need a tattoo on their wrist that reads in big bold letters, L-I-V-I-N the DREAM. That way when they find themselves slapping their hand to their forehead, a sure and steady reminder of their grand life will never be out of reach.

Now that we are armed with the knowledge of our greatest attributes we know just how to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps. Since most of us are products of the United States Education System we can rule out that our intelligence will propel us forward. It looks like we will have to resort to putting our unusually high self esteem to work. Do not despair just yet; this self esteem business has a few decent qualities we can tap into. Folks with high self esteem believe they can do anything they set their mind to. That might also be due to a lack of intelligent judgment but for this article we will ignore that argument. When a person believes they can do anything or be anyone, they will have an infinite number of dreams to be dreamed and schemes to be schemed.
Now do not misconstrue my words, I am in no way discrediting the importance of possessing intelligence. Instead, I am raising the question that perhaps a solid self-esteem can make up for whatever intellectual shortcomings we may have. Instead of using a phrase such as “Livin’ the Dream” in a facetious manner when someone inquires about your life, what if we actually began to believe we were livin’ the dream? We may not be living some folks’ dreams, heck, we may not be living out our own dream, but most likely we are living out someone’s dream. At this exact moment in time, there are a greater percentage of people in this world who’s greatest dream is simply to survive. Perhaps they lie awake at night wondering how they will scrounge up food for their children, wondering when the gunfire will cease, or fighting a ferocious disease and praying for one last breath of air to breathe. In an instant our own dreams and ambitions appear as shallow and superficial as those of the Kardashians.
I do not know at what point our contentedness with the unfolding of our lives just becomes settling for less than we are capable of. However, I do believe we need to use this self esteem/intelligence combination as a mechanism for always striving to work harder and dream bigger. No matter how twisted the path we are being led down, once we succeed at keeping our feet on the ground and our eyes to the sky then we will truly be “L-I-V-I-N the Dream”.
Wish I was down on some blue bayou,
With a bamboo cane stuck in the sand.
But the road I'm on, don't seem to go there,
So I just dream, keep on bein' the way I am.
Wish I enjoyed what makes my living,
Did what I do with a willin' hand.
Some would run, ah, but that ain't like me.
So I just dream and keep on bein' the way I am.
With a bamboo cane stuck in the sand.
But the road I'm on, don't seem to go there,
So I just dream, keep on bein' the way I am.
Wish I enjoyed what makes my living,
Did what I do with a willin' hand.
Some would run, ah, but that ain't like me.
So I just dream and keep on bein' the way I am.
The way I am, don't fit my shackles.
The way I am, reality.
I can almost see that bobber dancin',
So I just dream, keep on bein' the way I am.
The way I am, reality.
I can almost see that bobber dancin',
So I just dream, keep on bein' the way I am.
~Merle Haggard
(Previously published in the April, 2011 edition of The Ketch Pen, a monthly periodical of the Washington Cattlemen's Association. Subscription information here)