Super SweLL!! viz |
Enter the rationalization of owning an Airstream becoming a NECESSITY of my daily existance:) .........
~ToP 10 trUTHs I nEEd to owN an AiRstREAm~
10) Home-made curtains...
9) Its a bright, shiny object...bound to hold my attention!
8) BerNICe tHe bEAsT totally has the raW beaSTliNeSS to tow my home on wheels...a lil V8 & heart all ya need!
7) RETRo...
6) Location options=limitless
5) Encourages outdoor rugs, lawn furniture, sitting outside...all must-have FaV's
4) PersonALItY*...'nough said!
3) Small surface area to furnish...double bonus since most of my furnishings were sold or donated w/ that pesky anticipated move south;)
2) Epitomizes living with less without losing your ever-so-important ~FlArE~
1) Shall a move south ever still remain in my whimsical future...a saSSy Silver home on wheels will no doubt be received with a big ol' welcome!