Why have Bars & taverns NOT caught onto the wireless internet craze??? Folks, this is why I am in such desperate need of a venture capitalist...all these business ideas just bursting to come to life!! Honestly though, the last two days I have worked on my laptop in Starbucks....no offense to the fine coffee establishment, but today I just needed a tavernesque environment. A little quieter music, a little darker lighting, less hustle and bustle...oh and an oh-so-icy Smith-N-Wesson Decliciousness wouldn't have hurt either;) (If you own a bar and start offering wireless I WILL patronize...I'm an incredibely loyal "Small business owner supporter"...holler if you know of any such establishments!! :>)

So does anybody know how God feels about flipping coins??? Yea or nay ya think? I'm still at a crossroads and am nearly tempted to truly flip a coin to whether I should work in WA or in TX. Perhaps a Gilmore-Girls style Pro-Con list should make an appearance......opinions ALWAYS welcome :)