Friday, March 19, 2010

FaiTH friDAy

Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.   ~Matthew 9:22

I receive Christ Notes daily bible verses by email and their Weekly Wisdom as well. The above verse was in my work inbox before I even started my day yesterday. I have not been able to get it off my mind since. I don't want to say that I can't figure out why, because I mean its the Word so of course it should affect me that way. If we are all honest with ourselves though I think that not every verse gives us an astounding effect the moment we read it. Or at least its that way to me. I'm not afraid to be honest-God knows my thoughts and heart . :) However, this verse just pulled my heart and hasn't let go. Its as if God hand delivered it to me yesterday to read. You know what I decided? He did! :)

What made me do a "Faith Friday" post? Well, I loved this verse so much and it healed me from the week that I had been having up to that point and I thought that perhaps 1 other person may benefit how I did. But truly I realized this verse is in Matthew, the very book I had been reading when I was actively trying to do my Bible in 90 Days plan! Yep...trying...past tense. I have failed that plan and found out at this time its way to many minutes of bible reading for me to do in one day. I've been wanting to do a plan though because like anything, a plan can turn this into a habit which means then reading the bible daily will just fall into place as part of my typical day! This verse made me realize that I should have remembered this was part of Matthew...or does it just mean that this verse affected me far differently now than when I read it a few months back? Perhaps thats the lesson God matter how often we see His Word or we see and hear him in our lives, the message will always be handcrafted for what we need at that exact moment in time.

~Many Blessings this Friday :)

(photograph from: by: Lorrie Faith Merritt
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