Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Care Package: Cattle Welfare in the West

The following documentary comes to us from WSU student film maker Michael DeTerra, a Beef Checkoff "Millennial Movie Making Project" grant recipient, produced the documentary The Care Package: Cattle Welfare in the West. The film features Washington rancher Dick Coon, cattle feeder Cody Easterday, and Oregon Rancher Bill Hoyt. The film also features Dr. Temple Grandin, Professor Emeritus Animal Science-Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin is featured in 2010 Time 100, Time's list of the 100 most influential people in the world, due to her innovative contribution to animal husbandry practices in the Livestock Industry as well as her work bringing public awareness to Autism.

(Jump forward to clips of WA Cattlemen: Dick Coon begins at 5 minutes 30 seconds, Cody Easterday begins at 10 minutes 20 seconds)

The Care Package: Cattle Welfare in the West from ExploreBeef on Vimeo.

Well deserved thanks are due to Michael DeTerra for producing such an informative, thorough, and beautiful documentary! Those 'Cougs' sure are make for a unmatched group of folks! ;) 

Friday, December 17, 2010

BreNN hiLL& the CaTTLe Industry Make QuiTe the PaiR

Not every day one of the famous folk gives a nod to our cattlemen, so when a savvy singer & songwriter like Brenn Hill is sending a chunk of his change to support our ranchers we all best take notice! 
Mr. Hill is saying "thanks" in December to the people who put food on his table by donating $5 from the purchase of any of his albums to the United States Cattlemen's Association (USCA).
"This organization represents the folks across this country who take care of the land. I feel that USCA fits the fundamental values of my music, so working with this group seemed to make perfect sense," said Hill. "I find myself thinking sometimes about how I can help ranchers and farmers, and I thought this would be a small step toward letting them know how much I appreciate everything they do."

Brenn knows that farming and ranching isn't's one of America's most critical businesses and ways of each and every day it takes organizational advocacy to ensure that the U.S. Cattle Industry remains profitable and viable...Brenn has dedicated the widely acclaimed "Into the Wind" (click here to listen to a portion of the song) to all of the hardworking ranchers across the country...Into the Wind is the rallying call for ranchers to continue their successful operation, and it's the rallying call for USCA to champion the issues affecting the U.S. Cattle Industry...

'Equine' Album
During the month of December, purchase ANY Brenn Hill CD, and Brenn will donate $5 from each sale to the US Cattlemen's Association! Good music, a budding icon that will one day be a singer/songwriter legend, and a chance to support the cattle industry, doesn't get much better than that! Not sure what Brenn's sound is all about? Just sample a few tracks on his website then jump to his music section for a quick and dirty purchase! 

(Information compliments of USCA, all photos from Brenn Hill website)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mark Crowley ~ GrEAt family MaN, CoWboY, 'neighbor' to aLL

The following article was previously published in the November 2010 Washington Cattlemen's Association periodical, The Ketch Pen. This article is dear to my heart for a few reasons. Mark was the first person to contact me after my very first foray into WCA involvement and ultimately the cattle industry.He graciously "welcomed" me to the fold and small gestures like that are rarely forgotten. Also, this article was "anonymously" written by our then-president's wife, Paula Coon. Paula and Mark share a humility that I great admire and continue to be humbled and inspired by the work they accomplish through their strong dedication to the industry and its people.Paula lent these words after I ingquired about posting this piece, "Mark is one of the many who live quietly and are the backbone of their communities, where their contribution is felt, but sometimes unrecognized." 
The kind of person who holds our world in place....
Mark Crowley
Veteran Secretary of Board

A native of Kansas, Mark Crowley, has served as WCA’s secretary for six out of the last eight years. Working with Sid Viebrock, Jim Sizemore, and now Dick Coon he takes care of recording the minutes of the meetings.

Mark served four years in the Army stationed at Fort Lewis and reaching the rank of Sergeant and serving as Squad Leader. A major in Agriculture Economics with an Animal Science minor he’s a 1992 WSU grad and a loyal Coug. He was hired by Gerry Pittenger, who raised Wagyu cattle. Mark had experience working under Dan Coonrad at WSU. “It was a big change for me and Gerry was pretty patient with me right out of school.” “Those nine years with Pittenger and that job provided me the opportunity to get involved in the cattleman’s association.”

He met his wife, Raquel, in Ellensburg. She is the Vice Principle at the Granger High School, and they have three children: Jessica, 21, Elizabeth, 20 who both work in Ellensburg, and seven year old Wyatt.

Using the Internet to find job leads is a modern day trend and that’s where Mark found his present employment. Mark works at the Kittitas County Conservation District as Resource Technician where he works mostly with irrigation but also fills in with many other aspects of the Conservation District’s mission. “It was a steep learning curve to catch up on water rights and irrigation design. It was on the job learning.” They deal mostly with endangered species issues and water quality and quantity.

Like so many of the ranchers I’ve been privileged to visit with, Mark enjoys working with the youth in his community. He has led the Get Up & Go 4-H Club for sixteen years. He’s a past president of the Yakima Valley Team Penning Club, current president of the Cascade Team Penning Association as well as an an event announcer for them. YVTPC has eight events a year. This February a cowboy event, Californios (, a companion to Spirit of the West is something Mark is looking forward to. It’s described as a ranch roping and stock horse competition involving working and doctoring cattle comprising the least amount of stress.

Mark sees the new HSUS invasion into our state as something to watch out for. HSUS has eight ‘Grassroots Meetings’ scheduled in Washington in October and November. He adds, “Water issues are central because you can’t live without water; both stock water and irrigation. WCA does what it can but unfortunately many cattlemen are not members of the WCA and don’t get the information about some of the important impending issues that will affect them. It’s essential; educating other cattlemen to realize how important these issues are, even team penning members should support these things or they won’t have cattle to pen. Everyone I work with, all types, need to be paying attention and helping out too. I always wanted to be a cattleman”, Mark notes, “cattlemen are steady people, they are people you can count on, the ‘go to’ people of the community.”

(Article written by Paula Coon)
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