The following documentary comes to us from WSU student film maker Michael DeTerra, a Beef Checkoff "Millennial Movie Making Project" grant recipient, produced the documentary
The Care Package: Cattle Welfare in the West. The film features Washington rancher Dick Coon, cattle feeder Cody Easterday, and Oregon Rancher Bill Hoyt. The film also features Dr. Temple Grandin, Professor Emeritus Animal Science-Colorado State University. Dr. Grandin is featured in
2010 Time 100, Time's list of the 100 most influential people in the world, due to her innovative contribution to animal husbandry practices in the Livestock Industry as well as her work bringing public awareness to Autism.

(Jump forward to clips of WA Cattlemen: Dick Coon begins at 5 minutes 30 seconds, Cody Easterday begins at 10 minutes 20 seconds)
The Care Package: Cattle Welfare in the West from
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Well deserved thanks are due to Michael DeTerra for producing such an informative, thorough, and beautiful documentary! Those 'Cougs' sure are make for a unmatched group of folks! ;)