We've hit a cooling trend in Central WA, today it is only in the low 90's!!! Which means our kitchen is only 84 degrees...no joke:) The scary part is that if I were still meant to be moving to Fort Worth, TeXAS next week like God's plan once seemed to be...84 degrees would probably be the LOW temp at night. THANKs God for hot and DRY weather-I sure do love it! Today my mom and I dropped off some more boxes of leftovers from the yard sale at the Yakima YWCA. They are in the process of renovating an amazing facility when its all said and done, therefore they couldn't take all of my donations so I will just add them to the 15 boxes I already gave the Union Gospel Mission. I'm excited to be back in the area for some volunteer opportunities that in the past I "haven't had time for" but excuses no more! Both the YWCA & Union Gospel Mission have great websites that are frequently updated with their most dire needs in donations along with the donations they always will take. Check em out.... My mom and I also stopped at Barrett Orchards Fruit Stand to buy 20 POUNDS of Cherries for me to take with me to MONTANA:) tomorrow. I'm running over to the ranch I worked on for about 3 summers and everybody always needs FRESH WA Fruit...unlike any other!! We survived the entire car ride together (if you know the story then you know that is definitely a praise god moment) and I am running to a college age ministry tonight called SALT. It will be the 2nd time I've attended and its pretty refreshing to know that Christ has healed up my scars from the HS youth group days;) Since I'm hoping to start a small group with 2 gals in their early 20's its good to get some fresh perspective and get fed in a way that was chained off for many years!! I'm curious to see what God is cookin' up with all this business of young adult fellowship...no doubt it will unfold piece by piece;)
Word O' Week: ~Inundate- To overwhelm as if with a flood; swamp The fire departments were inundated with calls last week as the high winds and dry conditions sparked many fires.
Sometimes the word, "overwhelm" just doesn't cut it...I've been on a kick using "inundated" so just go with it;).....
Song of the Day:
~ The Back of Your Hand, by "THE" Dwight Yoakam...this song spent about a month or more on repeat during late night hours when I couldn't sleep late last summer & fall. Personally, I think it is Dwight's best song...it is able to capture an emotion usually hidden in a corner of our heart that isn't often reached. This song was able to project the emotions which I couldn't let out...similar to a good counselor but much cheaper;)
Since the last few posts have been pretty heavy, something random and light is in order...perfect timing to break up the week!
As I was listening to a definite favorite song of mine I thought of adding "Song of the Day" whenever I jump on here! While I am at it I think Word o' Week will suffice as well. I'm trying to work on my vocabulary so indulge me if you will. :)
Song of the Day: 2 since I couldn't decide and its the first day!
-The Way I Am by Merle Haggard (Miranda Lambert & Jamey Johnson sing haunting renditions so I've posted a video of ML below...of course;>)
- Bring the Rain by Mercy Me...yep its awesome
Word O' Week: REPRIEVE-to give relief or deliverance to for a time During the summer months, many families head to the mountains to seek reprieve from the daily demands of life .
Heck while I'm at it Movie of the week would be the Blindside...I haven't turned on the TV in our house in at least a month but The Blindside has been on my mind for the last 2 days, if you need some hope and some "get up & go" then do NOT delay in watching this movie...it didn't change my life since a lot of this movie's theme already was heavy on my heart..BUT..not a week goes by I don't think about this true story and wanting to live my life doing God's work in whatever small, big, private, public, or anonymous way He wants me to...just showing one more person love they needed that day! Ok, I'll push Pause on my love of this story:)
A few more "Randoms" just because I LOVE Random!
-Gratitude...I have been trying to jot down at LEAST 3 things I'm grateful for on days I remember to throw it in my journal (another 1st for this year...a lifelong vendetta against "journaling" that I'm slowly conquering) I try to shoot for 7, sometimes only get 3 but as little or big as I throw em down on paper...the little things in life sometimes mean surviving a day or burying your head in the sand! :)
Today's lil pieces of gratitude:
*Garlic...Butter...popcorn...all in one;)
*Otter Pops (it tends to make the list often!!)
*My dog Jess...beautiful Blue Heeler Pain that she can be but LOVE she is not short of:)
*My Nephew and Nieces: Henry, Anna, & Mary
*Finding my new car "Bernice the beast" aka Silver Haired Fox!!!!
*Push Lawnmowers...Cheap Therapy
A very good friend of mine that I've always known was hand picked to be a part of my life by the Lord told me yesterday about being thankful. A few hours after that a radio program came on about making thankfulness a part of your family's life through your own actions.
Natural inherant thankfulness has to be worked at. Every single one of us will be brought down by the negative and that will swarm our minds and heart until we don't remember how to be thankful. She suggested I do a list each day if I need to of at least 5 things I was thankful for. Most people still consider me a overall positive focused person. Making this list was more of a way for me to build my wall of God's love back up when the world around me is tearing it down. Currently many things in my life are coming at my heart and God's work to try and sneak in an attack at every angle. I am still so thankful for so many things in my life, but making this list for me isn't to remind me of what I know I have. This thankful list is an instant fix when I feel down on unkind society, or shady ethics, or anything else that is heavy on my heart that day! I am going to add this as a part of my blog as often as I can!
**Picture of Northern lights sent in an email. Even though I haven't witnessed this beauty in person, I am reminded how awe inspiring the lord is in every aspect of life!