Anyone who's been in the ranching world understands sentiment towards that one animal we all have had that just has a personality for days. Those are the animals that hold a soft-spot in your heart for years or practically have a place in the family. :) That older horse that has a way of buttering you up even as it unties itself or opens the gate, the cow dog who doubles as a sleepy house dog, or the old mama cow or sheep that has practically babysat your kids some days! :) Fluffy, was our ewe that held that role in our family. When Fluffy was in her elder years she just roamed around with no worries of needing to be fenced in. She gave my brother twins or triplets almost every year but her value was more than her high mothering ability. My strong and tough rancher dad was who nurtured her through every delivery and nurtured her through her older years.
(My dad, below, knew a good partner from early on.)

Animal Welfare activists make most ranchers I know just scratch their heads. Those tough, mustached, weathered cowboys will be the first to tear up if they lose a favorite animal or even come across that just delivered calf. Of course, you'd never get them to admit and I'm sure you'll hear, "Dang hay blew in my eye again." You don't spend 365 days a year taking care of your pride and joy cow herd for career status thats for sure. Ranchers spend night day in 100 degree to sub zero temperatures because they are some of the only people in this world that have a love for cows and horses that is truly unmatched. The difference is in their RESPECT for their animals. A horse and a dog are truly both a ranchers best friend and business partner. They will spend more time with their cattle, horses, and dogs than they will with their wife and children guaranteed....thats why you better value "quality time" as what you have during a nice bumpy pickup ride or accept "loving chats" as the hollering back and forth between feed wagon and tractor. Otherwise your husband will be out there discussing his life problems with that ole mama cow chewing her cud.