Savory Summer Sirloin Salad
1 bEEf ToP SirLoin Steak, cut ¾” thick
1 medium Sweet Onion, cut into ½” thick slices
6 cups chopped Romaine Lettuce
1 medium tomato, sliced
4 hard cooked eggs, peeled & sliced
New York Style Sea Salt Bagel Crisps
1/3 c. red wine vinegar
2 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. Olive Oil
2 tsp. Mrs. Dash Garlic & Herb Seasoning Blend
Combine dressing ingrediants in small bowl. Reserve 1/3 cup dressing for salad. Brush remaining dressing on onion slices.
Press 1 tablespoon seasoning blend evenly onto beef steak. Grill over barbecue or cook in pan on stove. (160 degrees = medium doneness)
Grill onion 10-12 minutes or until tender, turning occasionally.
Carve beef into slives. Arrange lettuce in large bowl/serving platter then top w/ steak, tomatoes, onions, & eggs, drizzle with reserved dressing. Serve w/ Bagel Crisps if desired.

If you haven't thrown out (recycled, etc) your Sunday paper you can find this recipe in a coupon insert along w/ a coupon for the seasoning, bagel crisps, and BEEF! (Who doesn't love bEEf & BudGeTs?? ;>) Best of all this Salad is 24 Day Challenge FRIENDLY!! My mom & I are wrapping up the Cleanse phase of the Advocare 24 Day Challenge! Weight loss was not my goal w/ the 24 Day Challenge, but to reduce pain & joint troubles. However, I am exactly 1 week into the Challenge and 8 pounds have melted away....I probably shouldn't complain about that! More importantly, after 24 hours of "clean eating" the 3 week arthritis flare-up I'd been in (worst flare-up to date), seemed to be on its way out. For the first time in MONTHS I didn't sloooowlly hobble & limp the few steps from my bed to my dresser to fumble Ibrufen out of the bottle, immediatley upon waking up! Find out more information on Advocare HERE
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