Your calls of support are needed NOW to help get HB 1124 on the Executive Calendar and voted out of the House Ag & Natural Resources Committee (AGNR). Please take the time to call all of the Democratic members on the AGNR Committee and ask them to support moving HB 1124 out of Committee. The testimony that was provided by WCA members on January 18th was very helpful to explain the impacts that Cougars are having on livestock production in the affected 6 County Pilot areas. It is essential that we focus on the Human safety aspect. WCA members in Klickitat County please contact your local law enforcement officers that have been working with you and ask them to call in as well. We also need phone calls from the Glenwood School District. I was told that the Glenwood School was locked down recently due to a cougar near the School grounds. Do not wait to make you phone calls!! This is an urgent issue and one that requires immediate action. The Pilot expires this year and if this bill does not pass the management tool of dogs in the Pilot Counties will go away. As you speak with the Legislative members and their Staff share your concerns of not being able to manage other predators.
House Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee
Blake, Brian (D) Chair MOD F 105
(360) 786-7870
Stanford, Derek (D) V. Chair MOD E 204
(360) 786-7928
Chandler, Bruce (R) * LEG 427B
(360) 786-7960
Wilcox, J.T. (R) ** MOD G 106
(360) 786-7912
Buys, Vincent (R) MOD D 204
(360) 786-7854
Dunshee, Hans (D) MOD F 103
(360) 786-7804
Hinkle, Bill (R) MOD G 104
(360) 786-7808
Kretz, Joel (R) LEG 335A
(360) 786-7988
Lytton, Kristine (D) MOD B 203
(360) 786-7800
Orcutt, Ed (R) LEG 122F
(360) 786-7812
Pettigrew, Eric (D) LEG 434B
(360) 786-7838
Rolfes, Christine (D) MOD D 105
(360) 786-7842
Van De Wege, Kevin (D) LEG 434A
(360) 786-7916
*Ranking Minority Member **Asst. Ranking Minority Member
Schedule of Public Hearing: SB 5611, 5631, and 5633 and Work Session.
Agriculture & Rural Economic Development* - 2/10/2011 10:00 a.m.
Senate Full Committee
Senate Hearing Rm 3
J.A. Cherberg Building
Olympia, WA
REVISED ON 2/3/2011 AT 8:17 AM
Public Hearing:
SB 5611 - Regarding the use of designated agricultural lands.
SB 5631 - Concerning miscellaneous provisions regulated by the department of agriculture.
SB 5633 - Exempting agricultural fair premiums from the unclaimed property act.
Work Session: Public comment of proposal to merge the State Conservation Commission into the Department of Agriculture.
Possible executive session on bills heard in committee. Other business.