Tuesday, November 9, 2010

WCA aNNuaL ConvENtiOn WeeK

Can't beat my view at work
...It is already that time of year..the WA Cattlemen's Association Annual Convention technically begins...TomoRRoW! That means that it is already Mid-November(ish), which means its already winter...oh wait did I mention yet that it snowed...ALL..DAY...hmmm where was I again? Oh yes, Convention, November, Winter, all of this means that another year has FLOWN right on by! I'm not sure if I was gracefully flying through the year or more like an already disheveled mess that was forcibly plucked up by a crazed dustdevil, then bounced around through the year and dropped hard on my rump looking like a cross between a resident of the Harlem Projects & Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus! (umm yes, definitely the latter was how I traveled thru the yr!) Luckily, convention will not leave me in the dust...or at least not too much! I will be working throughout the remainder of the week but I am lucky enough to work in the same county as this year's convention location ! Tomorrow night I actually get to attend my 4th (??) WCA board meeting since it will be in the evening! I am excited to see all the great fellow board members as the last time I saw them I was saying goodbye enroute to TX. Although my detour is bittersweet for me, any free help that sticks around WA I'm pretty sure is just sweet by the WCA's standards. ;)

Friday night our banquet has a pretty snaZZy spECiaL guest: BaXteR bLaCk will be our entertainment following the Prime Rib banquet dinner! Tickets still available, contact information posted below! Thursday night is our social and Endowment Trust Fund auction so come on out both nights before Winter buries you inside and bans all socialization:) Thursday is Veteran's Day so those of you who get the day off from work have a great chance to head up to Suncadia Resort (maybe even sneak off for a relaxing massage...it is a resort after all!) Don't forget to come back Saturday for the Pfizer Cattlemen's College! I am excited to pop into that since I will be working during Thursday and Friday's daytime events.

Call WCA for tickets: 509-925-9871
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