Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blake celebrity face for FaRmErS & rAnChErS??

Folks we do catch a break every now and then-I promise! :)  I've been following Blake Shelton on Twitter for some time now.  The reason?  Because I like his music? Well, I do like his music, but since I'm not quite as obsessed with Blake as I am his GF Miranda Lambert that wasn't the reason!  The reason is this is the best (anti) celebrity we have making it "cool" to be anti PETA!  Win for farmers & ranchers everywhere.  Every other celebrity out there tries to make it "cool" to support PETA---not Blake!  "Hey PETA, dad says to let him know when y'all are finished bitchin' about this.. So he can blast another! " "Hey Jace... Do you like PETA? " Just some great examples!
WARNING: at times he may not have the most Child appropriate tweets to put it delicately......but we'll take it! :)  Thanks BLAKE and keep up the good work....hey have you heard of this silent killer group called HSUS???  They are WORSE than PETA.....what do ya got for us???

"Blake Shelton and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have been locked in something of a bitter Twitter battle lately. Blake, who's notorious for his frequent -- and frequently sarcastic -- Twitter updates, directed a few choice 'tweets' at the animal-activists group recently, with his comments resulting in his getting banned from receiving the group's updates on the social-networking site." ....Read the rest of the article here
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