Wednesday, December 1, 2010

China & Washington...which is the "LittLe enGinE that cOULd"??

China Imports $6 Billion A Year From Washington State

"China's status as the United States' number one importer has heavy hitters like Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mayor Michael Bloomberg passing through Beijing jockeying for a piece of the China market, But there's one little welterweight that's making a big hit. Call Washington state the little engine that could. After a hard-fought campaign of cold calls and constant visits, China is eating Washington up, from its apples, to its salmon and its candy.
In the last decade, Washington state's exports to China increased over 300 percent. Last year, the state exported nearly $6 billion worth of products to China, second only to California."   (from ABC World News )

Well...not quite sure I like the sound of "little engine that could". Washington State is a heavy hitter in exports which means its often only viewed as a little engine by its own nation. I guess since I am now paying my bills through employment in the WA hay export industry I could be called bias in my opinion. However, I grew up in Yakima County...anyone ever heard of WA apples, what about hops..those things they make beer out of...over 75% of all US hops come from Yakima County alone. Oh yes and let's not forget that hay industry...the largest hay exporter in the world resides right in lil ol Kittitas County, not to mention numerous other hay exporters from the same county. Guess this "little engine" has a bit more steam than others were aware.

Like I say, folks are only ignorant if you allow them to be. ;)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

diZZying DichOtOmY

...'nough said

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Legislative PaGe...all the cOOl kids are TrYinG it

Warnick encourages teens to apply for page program in Olympia 

Each year, students from around the state travel to Olympia to serve in the legislative page program for one week. During that week, students learn about the legislative process and assist with delivering documents on the House floor.
Rep. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, wants to sponsor teens who are interested in this unique opportunity.

"The page program has a long history of connecting students with their government. Several of our current legislators were once pages," Warnick said. "I hope students from the Thirteenth District will take this opportunity to see our state's capitol up close."

At the end of their week in Olympia, pages write their own mock legislation and testify in favor of the bill in front of their peers.

Students aged 14-16 who wish to serve in the page program must be sponsored by a member of the Legislature, and obtain permission from their parents and school. Applications can be downloaded from the House Page Web site and completed applications mailed to Warnick's district office at 326 South Cedar Street, Moses Lake, WA 98837.

The 2011 Legislature convenes Monday, January 10 and is scheduled to end Sunday, April 24.

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