Thursday, August 21, 2014

Windblown Weary Working Wife and Mom

Home Cooked

Tonight I attempted to make dinner for my husband and I. At 9 pm the ever busy 18 Month old was finally in bed and dinner was burning in the cast iron. 

Housekeeping with busy infant toddler hip dysplasia

My home cooked meal of leftover hamburger bun tuna melt sandwiches, was officially burned. Life at its finest.

Working Mom Burned Dinner Again

Instead of blogging or writing, I have been putting a baby to bed too late, burning dinner, battling foreign objects in the dishwasher, and working more than ever. Life continues to keep us on our toes. We have just added a hip surgery and Spica Cast for our sweet young daughter to the mix. So it seems there is no better time than the present to recharge a different part of my mind and soul. 

Working Mama Heart

A small limitation to my love of writing has been my full-time gig in the agriculture export industry. My heart longs that one day I will spend more of my days at home. To care for my husband, daughter, and be more involved with church, community and cattle organizations. 
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